1. Gregory M. Shaver*, Matthew J. Roelle, J. Christian Gerdes, Patrick A. Caton and Christopher F. Edwards, Dynamic Modeling of HCCI Engines Utilizing Variable Valve Actuation, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, vol. 127, no. 3, pp. 374-381, September 2005 (Selected as the best paper published in the Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, 2005)
2. Gregory M. Shaver*, Matthew J. Roelle, J. Christian Gerdes, Jean-Pierre Hathout, Jasim Ahmed, Aleksandar Kojic, Patrick A. Caton and Christopher F. Edwards, A Physics-Based Approach to Control of HCCI Engines with Variable Valve Actuation, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 361-375(15), July 2005
3. Gregory M. Shaver*, Matthew J. Roelle, J. Christian Gerdes, Modeling Cycle-to-Cycle Dynamics and Mode Transition in HCCI Engines with Variable Valve Actuation, IFAC Journal on Control Engineering Practice (CEP), vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 213-222, March 2006
4. Gregory M. Shaver*, Matthew J. Roelle and J. Christian Gerdes, Physics-based Modeling and Control of Residual-Affected HCCI Engines, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 131, Issue 2, March 2009
5. David Snyder*, Gayatri Adi*, Mike Bunce, and Gregory M. Shaver, Steady-state Biodiesel Blend Estimation via a Wideband Oxygen Sensor, The ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Vol. 131, no. 4, July 2009
6. Gayatri Adi*, Carrie Hall*, David Snyder*, Mike Bunce, Chris Satkoski, Shankar Kumar, Phanindra Garimella, Donald Stanton and Gregory M. Shaver, Soy-Biodiesel Impact on NOx Emissions and Fuel Economy for Diffusion Dominated Combustion in a Turbo-Diesel Engine Incorporating EGR and Common Rail Fuel Injection, Energy and Fuels, 23 (12), pp.5821–5829, October 2009
7. Gregory M. Shaver, Stability Analysis of Residual-Affected HCCI using Convex Optimization, IFAC Control Engineering Practice Special Issue – Advance in Automotive Control, Volume 17, Issue 12, pp. 1454-1460, December 2009
8. Aman Yadav*, Gregory M. Shaver*, and Peter Meckl, Lessons learned: Implementing the case teaching method in a mechanical engineering course, Journal of Engr. Education, 99(1), pp. 55-69, Jan 2010
9. Anup Kulkarni*, Sriram S. Popuri, Gregory M. Shaver, Tim R. Frazier, and Donald W. Stanton, Computationally Efficient Whole-Engine Model of a Cummins 2007 Turbocharged Diesel Engine, The ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Volume 132, Issue 2, February 2010
10. Mike Bunce*, David Snyder*, Gayatri Adi*, Carrie Hall, Jeremy Koehler, Bernie Davila, Shankar Kumar, Phanindra Garimella, Don Stanton, and Greg Shaver, Stock and Optimized Performance and Emissions with 5 and 20% Soy-Biodiesel Blends in a Modern Common Rail Turbo-Diesel Engine, Energy and Fuels, 24 (2), pp. 928–939, February 2010
11. David Snyder*, Gayatri Adi, Mike Bunce, Chris Satkoski, and Gregory M. Shaver, Fuel Blend Fraction Estimation for Fuel-Flexible Combustion Control: Uncertainty Analysis, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 418-432, April 2010
12. Anup Kuklarni*, Karla Stricker, Angeline Blum, and Gregory M. Shaver, PCCI Control Authority of a Modern Diesel Engine Outfitted with Flexible Intake Valve Actuation, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Volume 132, Issue 5, 15 pages, September 2010
13. Chris Satkoski*, Greg Shaver, Piezoelectric Fuel Injection - Pulse-to-Pulse Coupling and Flow Rate Estimation, ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, volume 16, issue 4, August 2011
14. Chris Satkoski*, Greg Shaver, Ranjit More, Peter Meckl, Douglas Memering, Shankar Venkataraman, Jalal Syed, and Jesus Carmon-Valdes, Dynamic Modeling of a Piezoelectric Actuated Fuel Injector, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, vol. 133 (5), 2011.
15. Rajani Modiyani*, Lyle Kocher*, Dan Van Alstine*, Ed Koeberlein, Karla Stricker, Paul Meckl, and Gregory M. Shaver, Effect of Intake Valve Closure Modulation on Effective Compression Ratio and Gas Exchange in Modern, Multi-Cylinder Diesel Engines, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 12 (6), 2011
16. Michael Bunce*, David Snyder*, Gayatri Adi*, Carrie Hall, Jeremy Koehler, Bernabe Davila, Phanindra Garimella, Shankar Kumar, Donald Stanton, and Gregory M. Shaver, Optimization of Soy-Biodiesel Combustion in a Modern Diesel Engine, Fuel, vol. 90 (8), pp. 2560-2570, 2011
17. David Snyder*, Gayatri Adi, Carrie Hall, Michael Bunce, and Gregory M. Shaver, Control-Variable-Based Accommodation of biodiesel blends, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 12 (6), pgs 564-579, December 2011
18. Karla Stricker*, Lyle Kocher*, Ed Koeberlein, Dan Van Alstine, and Gregory M. Shaver, Turbocharger Map Reduction for Control-Oriented Modeling, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Volume 136 (4), April 2014, 13 pages.
19. Lyle Kocher, Ed Koeberlein, Dan Van Alstine, Karla Stricker, and Gregory M. Shaver, Physically-Based Volumetric Efficiency Model for Diesel Engines Utilizing Variable Intake Valve Actuation, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 13, 2, pgs. 169-184, April 2012
20. Gayatri Adi*, Carrie Hall*, David Snyder, Whitney Belt, and Gregory M. Shaver, Fuel Flexible Combustion Control of Biodiesel Blends During Mixing-Controlled Combustion, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 135 (6), August 2013
21. Chris A. Satkoski*, Neha S. Ruikar, Scott D. Biggs, and Gregory M. Shaver, Piezo-electric Fuel Injection – Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Tightly Space Injections, Accepted, to appear in, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, vol. 20, issue 11, pgs 1175-1182, November 2012
22. Karla Stricker*, Lyle Kocher*, Ed Koeberlein, Dan Van Alstine, and Gregory M. Shaver, Estimation of Effective Compression Ratio for Engines Utilizing Flexible Intake Valve Actuation, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Volume 226 Issue 8 August 2012 pp. 1003 - 1017. (Selected as the best paper published in the Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2012)
23. Lyle Kocher*, Ed Koeberlein, Karla Stricker, D.G. Van Alstine, and Gregory M. Shaver, Control-Oriented Gas Exchange Model for Diesel Engines Utilizing Flexible Intake Valve Actuation, Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, tech. brief, 136 (6), August, 2014
24. Carrie Hall*, Gregory M. Shaver, Jonathan Chauvin, and Nicolas Petit, Control-Oriented Modeling of Combustion Phasing for a Fuel-Flexible Spark-Ignited Engine with Variable Valve Timing, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 448-463, October 2012
25. Dan Van Alstine*, Lyle Kocher*, Ed Koeberlein, Karla Stricker, and Gregory M. Shaver, Control-Oriented PCCI Combustion Timing Model for a Diesel Engine Utilizing Flexible Intake Valve Modulation, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 211-230, June 2013.
26. Karla Stricker*, Lyle Kocher, Dan Van Alstine, and Gregory M. Shaver, Input Observer Convergence and Robustness: Application to Compression Ratio Estimation, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, vol 21, pp 565-582, 2013
27. Carrie Hall*, Dan Van Alstine, Lyle Kocher, and Gregory M. Shaver, Closed-Loop Combustion Control of Biodiesel-Diesel Blends in Premixed Operating Conditions Enabled via High EGR Rates, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 227 (7), pp. 966-985, July 2013
28. Carrie Hall*, Gayatri Adi*, Gregory M. Shaver, and Bernard Tao, A Robust Fuel Flexible Combustion Control Strategy for Biodiesel with Variable Fatty Acid Composition During Mixing Controlled Combustion, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 15, no. 2, pp 165-179, Feb. 2014
29. Dat Le*, Jin Shen, Neha Ruikar, Gregory M. Shaver, Dynamic Modeling of a Piezoelectric Fuel Injector During Rate Shaping, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 15, issue 4, June 2014, pp. 471-487
30. Jin Shen*, Bradley W. Peitrzak, Neha Ruikar, Dat Le, and Gregory M. Shaver, Model-Based Within-a-Cycle Estimation of Rate Shaping for a Piezoelectric Fuel Injector, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, vol. 27, May 2014
31. Lyle Kocher*, Carrie Hall, Karla Stricker, David Fain, Dan Van Alstine, and Gregory M. Shaver, Robust Oxygen Fraction Estimation for Conventional land Premixed Charge Compression Ignition Engines with Variable Valve Actuation, IFAC Control Engineering Practice for a Special Issue Entitled: “Engine and Powertrain Control, Simulation, and Modeling”, vol. 29, August, 2014
32. Lyle Kocher*, Carrie Hall, Dan Van Alstine, Mark Magee, and Gregory M. Shaver , Nonlinear Model-Based Control of Combustion Timing in Premixed Charge Compression Ignition, Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol. 228, issue 7, June 2014, pp. 703-723.
33. Yadav, A., Arnold, M., Shaver, G. M., & Meckl, P. Case-based Instruction: Improving Student’s Conceptual Understanding Through Cases in a Mechanical Engineering Course, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 51(5), pp. 659-677, May 2014
34. Gurneesh Jatana, Sameer Naik, Robert Lucht, and Gregory M. Shaver, High-speed diode laser measurements of temperature and water vapor concentration in the intake manifold of a diesel engine, International Journal of Engine Research, October 2014, volume 15, no. 7, 773-788
35. Akash Garg, Mark Magee, Chuan Ding, Leighton Roberts, and Gregory M. Shaver, Fuel-Efficient Exhaust Thermal Management Using Cylinder Throttling via Intake Valve Closing Timing Modulation, Journal of Automobile Engineering, March 2016, 230: 470-478
36. Dat Le, Brad Pietrzak, and Gregory M. Shaver, Dynamic Surface Control of a Piezoelectric Fuel Injector During Rate Shaping, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Volume 30, September 2014, pages 12-26
37. Leighton Roberts, Mark Magee, Akash Garg, Gregory M. Shaver, Eric Holloway, Edward Koeberlein, Raymond Shute, David Koeberlein, James McCarthy Jr., and Douglas Nielsen, Modeling the Impact of Early Exhaust Valve Opening on Exhaust Aftertreatment Thermal Management and Efficiency for Compression Ignition Engines, International Journal of Engine Research, September 2015, vol 16, 6, pp 773-794
38. Gurneesh S Jatana, Sameer V Naik, Gregory M Shaver, and Robert P Lucht, Simultaneous high-speed gas property measurements in the turbocharger inlet, the EGR cooler exit, and the intake manifold of a multi-cylinder diesel engine using diode-laser-absorption-spectroscopy. Applied Optics, 54 (5), pp. 1109-1113, Feb. 2015
39. Chuan Ding, Leighton Roberts, David J. Fain, Aswin K. Ramesh, and Gregory M. Shaver, Fuel Efficient Exhaust Thermal Management for Compression Ignition Engines During Idle via Cylinder Deactivation and Flexible Valve Actuation, International Journal of Engine Research, 2016, Vol.17(6), pp.619-630
40. Richard Simmons, Gregory M. Shaver, Wallace E. Tyner, and Suresh Garimella, A benefit-cost assessment of new vehicle technologies and fuel economy in the U.S. Market, Applied Energy, vol. 157, issue C, pp 940-952, 2015
41. Sylvia Lu, Chuan Ding, Sylvia Lu, Greg Shaver, Eric Holloway, Jim McCarthy, Ray Shute, David Koeberlein, Edward Koeberlein, and Douglas Nielsen, Impact of Cylinder Deactivation on Diesel Engine Aftertreatment Thermal Management and Efficiency at Highway Cruise Conditions, Frontiers in Engine and Automotive Engineering, Volume 1, Article 9, August, 2015
42. Mayura Halbe, David Fain, Gregory M. Shaver, Lyle Kocher, and David Koeberlein, Control-oriented premixed charge compression ignition CA50 model for diesel engines utilizing variable valve actuation, International Journal of Engine Research, International Journal of Engine Research, vol. 18(8), 847-857
43. Ashish P. Vora, Xing Jin, Vaidehi Hoshing, Tridib Saha, Gregory M. Shaver, Subbarao Varigonda, Oleg Wasynczuk, Wallace E. Tyner, Vivek Sujan, and Gary Parker, Design-space exploration of series plug-in hybrid electric vehicles for medium-duty truck applications in a total cost-of-ownership framework, Applied Energy, Volume 2020, September 2017, pp 662-672
44. Xing Jin, Ashish P. Vora, Vaidehi Hoshing, Tridib Saha, Oleg Wasynczuk, Gregory M. Shaver, and Subbarao Varigonda, Applicability of available Li-Ion battery degradation models for system and control algorithm design, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, IFAC Control Engineering Practice, vol. 71, Feb. 2018
45. Aswin K. Ramesh, Gregory M. Shaver, Cody M. Allen, Soumya Nayyar, Dheeraj B. Gosala, Dina Caicedo Parra, Edward Koeberlein, James McCarthy, and Doug Nielsen, Utilizing low airflow strategies, including cylinder deactivation, to improve fuel efficiency and aftertreatment thermal management during high speed, low load operating conditions, International Journal of Engine Research, pp. 1005-1016, vol. 18, issue 10, First Published March 14th, 2017
46. Dheeraj B. Gosala, Cody M. Allen, Aswin K. Ramesh, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy, Dale Stretch, Edward Koeberlein, and Lisa Farrell, Cylinder deactivation during dynamic diesel engine operation, International Journal of Engine Research, 991-1004, vol. 18, issue 10, Published Feb. 1st, 2017
47. Mayura Halbe, Bradley Pietrzak, David Fain, Aswin Ramesh, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy Jr., Michael Ruth, and Edward Koeberlein, Oil Accumulation and First Fire Readiness Analysis of Cylinder Deactivation in Diesel Engines, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Engine and Automotive Engineering, published March 6th, 2017, vol. 3, 1-12
48. Xing Jin, Ashish Vora, Vaidehi Hoshing, Tridib Saha, Gregory M. Shaver, Edwin Garcia, Oleg Wasynczuk, and Subba Varigonda, Physically-based reduced-order capacity loss model for graphite anodes in Li-Ion Battery Cells, Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Power Sources, 28 February 2017, Vol.342, pp.750-761
49. Ashish P. Vora, Xing Jin, Vaidehi Hoshing, Gregory M. Shaver, Subbarao Varigonda, and Wallace E. Tyner, Integrating Battery Degradation in a Cost of Ownership Framework for HEV Design Optimization, Journal of Automobile Engineering, online October 21, 2018.
50. J. Tang, A. D. Dysart, D. H. Kim, R. Saraswat, G. M. Shaver, V. G. Pol, “Fabrication of Carbon/Silicon Composite as Lithium-ion Anode with Enhanced Cycling Stability” Electrochimica Acta, 247, 626–633, 2017.
51. Kalen Vos, Gregory M. Shaver, Sylvia Lu, Cody Allen, Jim McCarthey Jr., Lisa Farrell, Improving Diesel Engine Efficiency at High Speeds and Loads Through Improved Breathing via Delayed Intake Valve Closure Timing, International Journal of Engine Research, online, Vol 20(2), 194-202, First Published December 8th, 2017.
52. Dheeraj Gosala, Aswin Ramesh, Cody Allen, Mrunal Joshi, Alexander Taylor, Matthew Van Voorhis, Gregory M. Shaver, Lisa Farrell, Edward Koeberlein, James McCarthy Jr., and Dale Stretch, Diesel Engine Aftertreatment Warmup Through Early Exhaust Valve Opening and Internal EGR During Idle Operation, International Journal of Engine Research 19(7), 758-773, Published September 20th, 2017
53. Mrunal Joshi, Dheeraj Gosala, Cody Allen, Kalen Vos, Matthew VanVoorhis, Alexander Taylor, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy Jr., Lisa Farrell, Dale Stretch, and Edward Koeberlein, Reducing Diesel Engine Drivecycle Fuel Consumption Through use of Cylinder Deactivation for Aftertreatment Component Temperature Maintenance During Idle Operating and Low Load Operating Conditions, Frontiers in Engine and Automotive Engineering, August 2017, vol. 3, 1-15
54. Aswin K. Ramesh, Troy E. Odstrcil, Dheeraj B. Gosala, Gregory M. Shaver, Soumya Nayyar, Edward Koeberlein, and James McCarthy Jr., Reverse Breathing in Diesel Engines for Aftertreatment Thermal Management, online, International Journal of Engine Research, First Published July, 13th, 2018
55. Kalen R. Vos, Gregory M. Shaver, Dheeraj B. Gosala, James McCarthy Jr., and Lisa Farrell, Utilizing Production Viable Valve Strategies at High Speeds and Loads to Improve Volumetric Efficiency via Intake Valve Modulation, Frontiers in Engine and Automotive Engineering, vol. 4, Jan. 27th, 2018
56. Cody M. Allen, Dheeraj B. Gosala, Gregory M. Shaver, and James McCarthy Jr., Comparative Study of Diesel Engine Cylinder Deactivation Transition Strategies, International Journal of Engine Research, online, vol. 20, 5: pp. 570-580, First Published April 13, 2018
57. Dheeraj Gosala, Cody M. Allen, Gregory M. Shaver, Lisa Farrell, Edward Koeberlein, Brian Franke, Dale Strech, and James McCarthy Jr., Dynamic cylinder activation in diesel engines, First Published July 2018, International Journal of Engine Research
58. Xing Jin, Oleg Wasynczuk, and Gregory M. Shaver, Computationally Efficient and Flexible Magnetic-Field-Analysis-Based Electric Machine Scaling Strategy, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 33(3) (2018) 1222-1232
59. Ana Guerrero de la Pena, Navindran Deavendralingam, Ali Raz, Daniel DeLaurentis, Gregory Shaver, Vivek Sujan, and Neera Jain, Projecting Line-Haul Truck Technology Adoption: How Heterogeneity Among Fleets Impacts System-Wide Adoption, Transportation Research Part E 124 (2019) 108-127
60. Aniruddha Jana, Gregory M. Shaver, R. Edwin Garcia, Physcial, on the Fly, Capacity Degradation Prediction of LiNiMnCoO2- graphite cells, Journal of Power Sources 422, 185-195, 2019
61. Ana Guerrero de la Pena, Navindran Davendralingam, Ali K. Raz, Daniel D. DeLaurentis, Gregory Shaver, Vivek Sujan, and Neera Jain, Projecting Adoption of Truck Powertrain Technologies and CO2 emissions in Line-Haul Networks, Transportation Research Part D, accepted April 8th, 2020.
62. Alexander H. Taylor, Miles J. Droege, Gregory M. Shaver, Jairo A. Sandoval, Stephen Erlien and James Kuszmaul, Capturing the Impact of Speed, Grade and Traffic on Class 8 Truck Platooning, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, online, July 17th, 2020.
63. Alexander H. Taylor, Troy E. Odstrcil, Aswin K. Ramesh, Gregory M. Shaver, Edward Koeberlein, Lisa Farrell, and James McCarthy Jr., Model-Based Compressor Surge Avoidance Algorithm for IC Engines Utilizing Cylinder Deactivation During Motoring Conditions, International Journal of Engine Research, online 9-2019
64. Kalen R. Vos, Gregory M. Shaver, Aswin K. Ramesh, and James McCarthy Jr., Impact of Cylinder Deactivation and Cylinder Cutout via Flexible Valve Actuation on Fuel Efficient Aftertreatment Thermal Management at Curb Idle, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering – Engine and Automotive Engineering, published 8-2019
65. Dheeraj B. Gosala, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy Jr., and Tim Lutz, Fuel-Efficient Thermal Management in Diesel Engines via Valvetrain-enabled Cylinder Ventilation Strategies, International Journal of Engine Research, Volume 22, Issue 2, 2021
66. Dheeraj B. Gosala, Harikrishnan Raghukumar, Cody M. Allen, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy Jr., Tim Lutz, Model-Based Design of Dynamic Firing Patterns for Supervisory Control of Diesel Engine Vibration, accepted by the IFAC Control Engineering Practice journal, Nov. 12th, 2020
67. Cody M. Allen, Dheeraj B. Gosala, Mrunal C. Joshi, Gregory M. Shaver, Lisa Farrell, and James McCarthy Jr., Experimental Assessment of Diesel Engine Cylinder Deactivation Performance during Low Load Transient Operations, International Journal of Engine Research (First Published June 24th, 2019), Volume 22, Issue 2, 2021
68. Kalen R. Vos, Gregory M. Shaver, Mrunal C. Joshi, and James McCarthy Jr., Implementing Variable Valve Actuation on a Diesel Engine During High-Speed Idle Operation for Improved Aftertreatment Warm-Up, International Journal of Engine Research, First Published October 16th, 2019
69. Mrunal C. Joshi, Dheeraj Gosala, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy Jr. and Lisa Farrell, Exhaust Valve Profile Modulation for Improved Diesel Engine Curb Idle Aftertreatment Thermal Management, accepted 09-22-2020, International Journal of Engine Research, published online 04-10-2021
70. Kalen R. Vos, Gregory M. Shaver, Mrunal C. Joshi, Aswin K. Ramesh, and James McCarthy Jr., Strategies for Using Valvetrain Flexibility Instead of Exhaust Manifold Pressure Modulation for Diesel Engine Gas Exchange and Thermal Management Control, International Journal of Engine Research, First Published October 17th, 2019
71. Vaidehi Hoshing, Ashish Vora, Tridib Saha, Xing Jin, Gregory M. Shaver, Oleg Wasynczuk, R. Edwin Garcia, and Subbarao Varigonda, Comparison of Economic Validity of Series and Parallel PHEVs for Medium-Duty Truck and Transit Bus Applications, Journal of Automobile Engineering, Vol. 234(10-11) 2458–2472, July 2020
72. Vaidehi Hoshing, Ashish Vora, Tridib Saha, Xing Jin, Gregory M. Shaver, Oleg Wasynczuk, R. Edwin Garcia, and Subbarao Varigonda, Evaluating Emissions and Sensitivity of Economic Gains for Series Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrains for Transit Bus Applications, Dec. 2020, 234(14), Journal of Automobile Engineering
73. Heavy-Duty Truck Platooning on Hilly Terrain Highways: Methods for Assessment and Improvement, Miles Droege, Brady Black, Ifeoluwa Ibitayo, Shubham Ashta, John Foster, and Gregory M. Shaver, published 12-29-2021, Journal of Automobile Engineering
74. Mrunal Joshi, Gregory M. Shaver, Kalen Vos, Jim McCarthy, Lisa Farrell, Internal exhaust gas recirculation via reinduction and negative valve overlap for fuel efficient aftertreatment thermal management at curb idle in a diesel engine, 2022, Vol 23 (3) 369-379
75. John L. Foster, Kalen Vos, Mrunal Joshi, Gregory M. Shaver, James McCarthy Jr., and Lisa Farrell, Diesel Engine 2-Stroke Breathing for Aftertreatment Warm-Up, International Journal of Engine Research, Volume 24, Issue 2, Feb. 2023
76. Xu Zhang, Gregory M. Shaver, Carlos A. Lana, Dheeraj Gosala, and David Langenderfer, Sensor System and Observer Algorithm Co-Design for Modern Internal Combustion Engine Air Management Based on H2 Optimization, April 2021, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering: Engine and Automotive Engineering
77. Xu Zhang, Gregory M. Shaver, Carlos A. Lana, Dheeraj Gosala, and David Langenderfer, Sensor Selection and Controller Design Method with Application to Turbocharged Stoichiometric SI Engine Controls with Low Pressure EGR, Control Engineering Practice, Volume 133, April 2023
78. Ziping Liu, Logan J. Heusinger, Shveta Dhamankar, Chufan Jiang, Gregory M. Shaver, John T. Evans, and Corwin Puryk, A Computationally Efficient Model for Granular Material Piling in a Container, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 194, March 2022
79. Chufan Jiang, Shveta Dhamankar, Ziping Liu, Gautham Vinod, Gregory M. Shaver, John Evans, Daniel DeLaurentis, Corwin Puryk, and Eric Anderson, Co-Simulation of the Unreal Engine and MATLAB/Simulink for Automated Systems, submitted to Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Oct. 15th, 2023
80. Sree Harsha Rayasam, Weijin Qiu, Ted Rimstidt, Gregory M. Shaver and Daniel Van Alstine, Control-Oriented Modeling, Validation and Interaction Analysis of Turbocharged Lean-Burn Natural Gas Variable Speed Engine, International Journal of Engine Research, Volume 24, Issue 2, Feb. 2023
81. Sree Harsha Rayasam, Weijin Qiu, Ted Rimstidt, Gregory M. Shaver and Daniel Van Alstine, Robust Model-Based Switching MIMO Air Handling Control of Turbocharged Lean-Burn SI Natural Gas Variable Speed Engines, International Journal of Engine Research, Volume 24, Issue 6
82. Ziping Liu, Shveta Dhamankar, John T. Evans, Cody M. Allen, Chufan Jiang, Gregory M. Shaver, Aaron Etienne, Tony J. Vyn, Corwin M. Puryk, and Brandon M. McDonald, Development and Experimental Validation of a System for Agricultural Grain Unloading-on-the-Go, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Volume 198, July 2022
83. Chufan Jiang, Ziping Liu, Logan Heusinger, Gregory M. Shaver, John T. Evans, and Corwyn Puryk, LiDAR-Based Benchmark Approach Development and Validation for Unloading-on-the-Go Systems Incorporating Stereo Camera-Based Perception, Biosystems Engineering, accepted August 16th, 2023
84. Xu Zhang, Gregory M. Shaver, Dheeraj Gosala, Carlos A. Lana, Dat D. Le, and David Langenderfer, Physically-Based Control-Oriented Modeling for Turbocharged Stoichiometric Spark-Ignited Engine with Cooled EGR and Flexible VVT Systems, International Journal of Engine Research, accepted, October 11th, 2023
85. Ziping Liu, Chufan Jiang, Gregory M. Shaver, and John T. Evans, A Novel Fusion Strategy for Vision-Based Perception in Automatic Grain Unloading, submitted to the Journal of Automobile Engineering, Nov. 7th, 2023.
86. Control Design-Oriented Modeling and mu-Synthesis-Based Robust Multivariate Control of a Turbocharged Natural Gas Genset Engine, Weijin Qiu, Sree Harsha Rayasam, Gregory M. Shaver, Ted G. Rimstidt, and Daniel G. Van Alstine, accepted April 25th2023, International Journal of Engine Research
87. Robust MIMO Air Handling Control For eBoosted Off-Road Hybrid Diesel Powertrain, Shubham Ashta, Nicholas Vang, Weijin Qiu, Chisom Emegoakor, Sree Harsha Rayasam, Tyler Swedes, Jacob Mazanec, Luis Giraldo, Bryan Frushour, Gregory Shaver, Sage Kokjohn, Jaal Ghandhi, and David Rothamer, submitted Oct. 14th 2023 to International Journal of Engine Research, IJER-23-0474.
88. Model-Based Approach for Mitigation of Resonance-based Drivetrain Torsional Vibrations, Shveta Dhamankar, Evan Parshall, Tyler Swedes, Junaid Ali, Gregory M. Shaver, John Evans, Anil Bajaj, and Douglas Hansel, submitted to the Journal of Automobile Engineering, Nov. 7th, 2023.
89. Exhaust emission and fuel consumption impacts of elevated biodiesel blends on heavy duty on-highway commercial diesel engines incorporating SCR aftertreatment, Vrushali Deshmukh, Miles Droege and Gregory M. Shaver, submitted to International Journal of Engine Research, Nov. 9th, 2023.
90. Weijin Qiu , Shubham Ashta, Gregory M. Shaver, Jacob Mazanec, Sage Kokjohn, Scott Johnson, Bryan Frushour, and Kirk Rudolph, System Configuration and Control Development for a Hybrid Electric Wheel Loader Featuring Electrically-Boosted Engine, Submitted to IFAC Control Engineering Practice, Nov. 2023.
91. Weijin Qiu, Shubham Ashta, Gregory M. Shaver, Scott C. Johnson, Bryan C. Frushour, and Kirk Rudolf, Real-time modeling, simulation, and power management of a hybrid electric wheel loader, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Nov. 2023.
92. Shreyas Supe, Bharath Natarajan, Gregory M. Shaver, and Anne Wontner-Smith, Improving Internal Combustion Engine Turbocharger Turbine Map Accuracy with Machine Learning, submitted to Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, Dec. 22nd, 2023
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